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Please act immediately using the suggestions below.

Dear friends and colleagues of Parental Alienation Study Group and Alienated Parents Worldwide,

The Wall Street Journal very recently published a scathing article written by Dan Frosch about reunification programs specifically and about parental alienation more generally.


[You might need to pay to access the article and to comment, but you can pay $7 a month and then cancel or you can probably sign up for a free month and then cancel.]

By her own admission, Tina Swithin of One Mom’s Battle collaborated with the author of this article ( ):

Tina Wrote;

Since March, I have been assisting with important story that went live last night on the Wall Street Journal. This type of exposure is difficult to come by and I continue to say that my hope right now rests in the hands of the media.

Here is what I know: media outlets track stories, including the shares and the engagement. we have an incredible opportunity right now to ensure that this article is seen all around the world and that there will be more coverage on this topic. The more traction it gets, the better the chances are that other major outlets will pick up on this - and do their own stories.

This is a very important call to action:

1. Share this article from Dan Frosch of the Wall Street Journal.

2. Leave a comment - request more coverage on family court issues. Share your experience in a brief and concise format. Thank them for covering this topic: the reunification industry.

3. Forward it to your friends and family - ask them to share and comment and let them know how important this is.

“The “alienation industry” which is made up of reunification profiteers will go down in history as one of the biggest scandals of our lifetime. It is the “cash for kids” of the family court system. It is a very well-structured, multilevel marketing scheme with reunification therapists and other family court professionals as the bottom feeders - going all the way up to the big ticket items which are reunification camps. I look forward to the day that I can post mugshots of these individuals who are turning children’s trauma into revenue streams.

In a perfect world, children would have access to both parents, however, there are some parents who do not deserve a seat at the table. Our court system is forcing children into relationships with abusive parents - and there are a lot of unscrupulous professionals making ungodly amount of money off of this racket.

I am absolutely grateful to Dan Frosch for exposing this dark industry, it is the underbelly of the family court system.”

Don’t Let this woman and this article destroy any more families! Alienated Parents you know the truth!

Ms. Swithin issued a CALL FOR ACTION to get this story picked up by other media outlets and to ultimately influence public policy.

Let's follow her lead... and leave a comment about this highly biased story. It uses a straw man argument about reunification therapy and then condemns the therapy. Let everyone know that OMB is trying to influence public policy through science denial and anecdotal accounts that are not substantiated or the norm. In other words, these accounts are NOT based on science or facts or a sense of reality but rather misinformation and disinformation.

Let’s fill their comment section with actual truths from parents such as yourself!!

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “Misinformation is the inadvertent spread of false information without intent to harm, while disinformation is false information designed to mislead others and is deliberately spread with the intent to confuse fact and fiction.”

Although the old adage 'any publicity is good publicity' has truth to it, the WSJ article displays a bias about the existence of PA and, more specifically, on reunification programs. This creates an opportunity for us to advocate using the WSJ platform to share our many voices!

In your own words, please e-mail the author about your reality and experience with PA abuse to (Author).

Importantly, we urge you to write to the editors of the Wall Street Journal to (“Letters to the Editor”) and let them know that the reporter has written a totally biased story that was influenced by OMB and not by normative science. Convey to them that the article is focused on only negative experiences and omits positive outcomes, that it uses emotionally charged language to paint a negative portrayal of cliinical protocols that are not widely understood by others, and emphasizes criticisms from sources that reinforce this perspective. It is, in short, the exception and not the rule.

You might wish to include the article title and date: August 24, 2024 "A Court-Ordered Therapy That Separates Kids From a Parent They Love Stirs a Backlash"

Demand that the story be retracted in its entirety or, in the very least, that the other side be told as well. As an alternative, demand the article gets rewritten due to its blatant omission and misinformation.

Spread this message wide and far.

As always, please visit the PASG website regularly for additional information as well as for resources available only to our members:

If you are not currently a member, please sign up today by following the instructions on the Membership tab. Encourage other like-minded individuals who have an interest in the topic of parental alienation to become members also. Call out to affiliated organizations to join our efforts. Help us fight the misinformation!

Thank you.

PASG wishes to thank Yaakov, Brian and Robert for their contributions to this effort.


1 comentario

6 days ago

I need to make my story heard!

The mother of the children abused them physically, emotionally, psychologically to the point that they couldn’t attend online schooling anymore, and she threatened their lives as well.

The mother abandoned me and the children, and filled false claims against me.

The DCFS/ CPS was involved, and after two months, DCFS social worker filed false claims against me with the Children Family Count, and the children were taken against their will to the abusive mother.

One week later, the children were abused again by the mother and as well another three relatives.

The children told to everyone that their father always protect them against the abusive mother and provide them everything they need.


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