Welcome to modern family court, where truth is optional, fathers are disposable, and feelings have more authority than facts.
What used to be a system rooted in law, order, and accountability has become a playground for liberal ideology, one that puts emotional narratives above hard evidence, and manipulative behavior above moral responsibility.
You want to know what’s destroying families?
It’s not discipline.
It’s not structure.
It’s not even divorce.
It’s the woke infiltration of our family courts, where “trauma-informed” now means “truth-avoidant,” and where manipulated children are being used as weapons to punish good parents for daring to stand up for their rights.
This Is What Happens When You Replace Truth With Therapy Speak, often times by non-therapists.
Ask any alienated parent, especially the father, what they’re up against, and they’ll tell you the same thing,
They’ve been judged not by their actions, but by someone else’s hurt feelings.
The child says:
“I don’t want to see my dad.”
The court responds:
“Then let’s cancel the weekend.”
Let that sink in.
A manipulated child parrots the opinion of the alienating parent, and the court treats it like a sacred commandment. No investigation. No accountability. No interest in the why, just obedience to emotion.
Meanwhile, the parent who’s being erased is treated like a criminal, with no charges, no trial, and no chance to fight back.
Guardians and Therapists Are No Longer Neutral They’re Ideological Enforcers
Once upon a time, court-appointed GALs and therapists were supposed to be neutral. Today? They’re activists in disguise, pushing emotion-driven narratives, enabling parental alienation, and silencing any parent who dares to call out the system.
Their new motto: “If the child says it, it must be true.”
Even when the child has been brainwashed.
Even when the alienating parent has lied for years.
Even when the evidence proves otherwise.
They tell children their feelings matter more than truth.
They tell parents their pain is “too intense” to and even harmful
They weaponize psychology while rejecting accountability.
The Leftist Agenda Has No Place in Family Court
This is not just bad policy, this is a direct attack on traditional family values.
The liberal takeover of family court promotes:
Weak fathers.
Over-empowered children.
Emotion-based rulings that ignore truth and evidence.
A system that rewards manipulation and punishes moral strength.
And all of it is sold to the public under the banners of “mental health” and “children’s voices.”
But don’t be fooled. The voices being heard aren’t the children’s, they’re the voices of agenda-driven professionals, angry ex-spouses, and judges too cowardly to call out abuse when it doesn’t fit the script.
Family court must stop catering to feelings and start demanding facts.
They MUST Recognize parental alienation as abuse.
Remove GALs and therapists who act as ideological gatekeepers.
Reinstate the presumption of innocence and demand actual evidence before parental rights are restricted.
Treat parents. especially fathers, with the same respect and legal protections given to violent criminals.
Because right now?
Murderers get more due process than good dads.
Enough is enough.