In a recently unearthed statement, Dr. Anthony Fauci advocated for making life so difficult for people that they would ultimately comply with vaccine mandates, stating:
“When you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit, and they get vaccinated.”
This approach wasn’t about education, choice, or informed consent, it was about coercion. Force compliance by making resistance unbearable.
Sound familiar?
This same exact tactic is what family courts use to break down parents, especially targeted, alienated parents, until they give in to a system designed to strip them of their rights and financial resources.
Breaking Parents Down Until They Comply
Family courts are not about justice or the best interests of the child, they are about power, control, and financial gain. They operate on a fundamental principle of attrition:
Make life so difficult for parents that they eventually give in.
• Want to fight for your child? We’ll drown you in legal fees until you can’t afford to continue.
• Want to challenge the biased Guardian ad Litem? We’ll delay your case for years, dragging out the agony.
• Won’t accept a “reunification therapist” who works with the same judges and GALs repeatedly? We’ll paint you as uncooperative and make you look like the problem.
• Want to speak out about corruption? We’ll use your words against you in court and accuse you of harming your child by advocating for them.
• Dare to question the system? We’ll punish you by restricting your time with your child even further.
Every roadblock is intentional. The system is not set up to resolve cases, it is set up to break parents down until they comply.
Just like Fauci advocated using hardship to force compliance with vaccine mandates, family courts use financial strain, emotional warfare, and legal manipulation to force parents into submission.
The Family Court Industry Profits from Resistance
The courts, attorneys, and court-appointed professionals make money the longer the fight drags on. The more you resist, the more they profit. The financial and emotional suffering of parents is not a side effect, it’s the goal.
• Custody evaluators, GALs, and court-ordered therapists often work on the same cases together over and over again. They aren’t neutral parties, they are part of a well-oiled machine that feeds off prolonged litigation.
• Judges rubber-stamp fees and recommendations without considering the real harm being done to children and parents.
• Legal abuse is part of the strategy. The system knows that the more drained you become, the more likely you are to give up, and that’s what they want.
The more you fight for what is right, the more punishment you endure.
When “Compliance” Means Losing Your Rights
In the case of vaccine mandates, “compliance” meant rolling up your sleeve and surrendering to government pressure.
In family courts, “compliance” means:
• Giving up your child because you can’t afford to keep fighting.
• Agreeing to outrageous court orders just to stop the suffering.
• Accepting biased rulings because the system is stacked against you.
• Going along with unethical court-appointed professionals to avoid worse consequences.
And just like Fauci’s approach, none of it is about what’s best for the individual, it’s about control. It’s about exerting dominance over people until they have nothing left to fight with.
Parental Alienation: The Ultimate Coercion Tool
For alienated parents, the suffering is even more extreme. The system allows alienating parents to exploit the courts to carry out their abuse, knowing that the longer they keep a child away, the more hopeless the targeted parent will become.
Alienating parents weaponize time, false allegations, and the child’s manipulated beliefs to make the battle unbearable.
And what do the courts do?
They reward it.
• They let years go by without enforcement of court-ordered parenting time.
• They refuse to hold alienating parents accountable for violating orders.
• They allow legal abuse to continue unchecked.
• They pretend parental alienation isn’t real, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
The system knows that the longer this drags out, the more likely you are to lose hope and accept whatever scraps they throw you.
It’s Not About “Best Interests”—It’s About Control
Just like Fauci’s “make their lives difficult until they comply” mentality wasn’t about health, family courts’ “drain them until they give up” strategy isn’t about children.
It’s about power, compliance, and submission.
It’s about making sure that parents shut up and fall in line.
It’s about forcing parents to accept a rigged system that destroys families while making judges, attorneys, and court-appointed professionals rich.
And just like people eventually started seeing through the coercion tactics used in the pandemic, people are waking up to the truth about family courts.
The question is: How many more children will be lost before real change happens?